A Community Hub – Space for Everyone
The Bowl Boonah is located on a site that has a rich community history dating back seven decades.
Boonah Bowls Club
The Boonah Bowls Club was inaugurated in 1947 on land purchased from the QLD Dairyfarmers Co-op and two greens were constructed in 1948 at a cost of £4500.
This money was raised by issuing debentures, where members lent the Club money at 3% interest.
The club had 43 founding members. In the same year members built a bar on the land and later a tea shed.
Over the years the Club grew steadily, however money was tight and members often had to pay the greenkeeper from their own pockets.
In 1960 the decision was made to build a clubhouse and life member, Archie Wickman, attended an auction of houses that had to be moved due to the construction of the Moogerah Dam.
He bid £300 for a farmhouse, which was originally built by the Steinhardt family and was owned by local real estate agent, Roy Bartholomew.
In 1960, on Easter Friday and Saturday Mr Wickman, with other members, dismantled the house and moved it to the Coronation Drive site. The move was complete by Easter Sunday and the bones of the original building have been revealed in the recent improvements.
Members helped to renovate the building which was officially opened in 1960. In 1965 additions were made to add a bar, ready for the introduction of poker machines in Queensland, and in 1978 the brick front facade and a new roof were added.
Fassifern Sports Club
Over time bowls club membership dwindled and in 2018 a number of local sports clubs amalgamated to form the Fassifern Sports Club, to be headquartered on the Bowls Club site.
The concept was that there would be strength in numbers and the clubhouse would be managed by a committee of representatives from the member clubs – cricket, netball, bowls, league, AFL – for the shared benefit of all clubs.
While the venture was initially successful, the COVID pandemic forced the Fassifern Sports Club to close and in early 2021 the committee decided their best option was to sell the property and split the proceeds between the member clubs.
A new beginning
The Site was purchased by locals who worked with remaining community bowlers and croquet players to maintain social bowls and croquet on the site.
In November 2022, Emily Lochran and Jack Stuart, leased the site and worked with the owners to renovate the Clubhouse, adding a private meeting and dining room, a modern bar and other improved facilities.
Emily and Jack’s new venture, The Bowl Boonah, opened in March 2023 and is a place for food, drink and relaxed celebrations.
This new partnership will ensure community groups still have a hub for meetings and gatherings and can continue to use the green for social and barefoot bowling and croquet.
Become a Member
Lawn Bowls & Croquet
While we honour the Boonah bowling heritage, we’re keen to introduce this fun, social game to new players. Our main green hosts skilled local bowlers twice a week, many of whom have been rolling bowls in Boonah for decades.